Title: Dean Carl B. Spaeth's Photograph Album
Inclusive Dates: 1948 – 1960
Access Restrictions: None.
Reproduction Restrictions: Reproduction is unrestricted, but permission is needed before using in publications.
Series Description:
This tab is an index of photographs from former Dean Carl B. Spaeth’s scrapbook. The scrapbook originally was presented to Dean Carl B. Spaeth to commemorate his achievements, peoples, and events during his deanship. Photograph includes but not limited to Crothers Hall, Construction Site Visit, Dedication of Crothers Hall, and Dedication of outer quadrangle site of Stanford Law School. Photographs were removed from original binder due to deteriorate condition of the scrapbook. Photographs are arranged according to size. There is an item level index available upon request.
Extent: 0.42 linear Feet
Location: GS-SU-07-07-04
Identifier: 2004-1031
Accession Number: 2004-DM-031
Box 1
©Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305.