Series Title: Communications Department Photographs
Inclusive Dates: c.1994-2003
Access Restriction: None
Reproduction Restriction: Reproduction is unrestricted, but permission is needed before using in publications.
Series Description:
This accession consist of photographs from Stanford Law School’s Communications Department. The photographs were taken and used for publications such as Stanford Law School Photo directory, Stanford Lawyer, and special press releases. Photograph depict Stanford Law School activities including but not limited to Student Organizations, Alumni/ae Weekend, Commencement, Faculty, and special events. There is an item level index available upon request.
Extent: 6.67 linear feet (Textual)
Box 1: GS-SU-07-06-01
Box 2-7: GS-SU-07-06-02
Box 8-13: GS-SU-07-06-03
Box 14-16: GS-SU-07-06-04
Identifier Number: 2003-1001
Accession Number: 2003-SLS-001