Selected Stanford Law School Faculty Publications on Campaign Finance:
- Tom Campbell, “Arguments before the court: Why the legal challenge to overturn campaign-finance reform law will not succeed,” SFGATE, April 10, 2002.
- Tom Campbell, “Dollars and Sense of Reform,” SFGATE, February 25, 2002.
- Tom Campbell (Representative, U.S. Congress, 1989-1993, 1995-2001), Selected Statements Debating Campaign Finance Reform Bill:
- Congressional Record, September 14, 1999 (Speech from the Floor)
- Congressional Record, September 14, 1999 (Participated in Debate, Beginning at p.H8191)
- Congressional Record, September 14, 1999 (Participated in Debate, Beginning at p.H8240)
- Congressional Record, August 6, 1998 (Participated in Debate, Beginning at p.H7310)
- Congressional Record, June 18, 1998 (Participated in Debate, Beginning at p.H4798)
- Congressional Record, June 10, 1998 (Participated in Debate, Beginning at p.H4445)
- Congressional Record, May 22, 1998 (Participated in Debate, Beginning at p.H3784)
- Pamela S. Karlan, The Law of Democracy : Legal Structure of The Political Process. 2nd ed. Westbury, N.Y. : Foundation Press, 2001. (with Samuel Issacharoff and Richard H. Pildes)
- Pamela S. Karlan, “The Hydraulics of Campaign Finance Reform,” 77 Texas Law Review 1705-1738 (1999) (with Samuel Issacharoff).
- Pamela S. Karlan, “Politics by Other Means,” 85 Virginia Law Review 1697 (1999) (available on HeinOnline; Stanford login required).
- Alan B. Morrison, Testimony of Alan B. Morrison, Director, Public Citizen Litigation Group, before the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, On the Constitution and Campaign Finance Reform (March 22, 2000).
- Kathleen M. Sullivan, “Sleazy Ads? Or Flawed Rules?,” New York Times, March 8, 2000, p.A29.
- Kathleen M. Sullivan, “Paying Up Is Speaking Up,” New York Times, October 24, 1999, p.15, section 4.
- Kathleen M. Sullivan, “Against Campaign Finance Reform,” 1998 Utah Law Review 311 (1998) (available on HeinOnline; Stanford login required).
- Kathleen M. Sullivan, “Political Money and Freedom of Speech: A Reply to Frank Askin,” 31 U.C. Davis Law Review 1083 (1998).
- Kathleen M. Sullivan, “Political Money and Freedom of Speech,” 30 U.C. Davis Law Review 663 (1997).