Title: Stanford Law School's Student Handbook
Inclusive Dates: 1967 - Present
Creators/Contributors: Office of Student Affairs
Access Restrictions: None
Copyright Restriction: Copyright held by Stanford Law School.
This series consist of Stanford Law School’s administrative guides for students, which is given to each individual student at the start of every academic year. Produced annually, these handbooks contain information regarding but not limited to Faculty, Student Organization, Administrative offices, their locations, program information, honor code, and living accommodation. Arranged by academic year. Indexes for the Student Handbook can be found as part of the front matter.
1.25 Linear Feet (Bound)
12 Gigabytes (Digital)
Location: GS-SU-01-04-02
Identifier Number: LAW-19105
Accession Number: 1999-SLS-022
1967-1968 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
1968-1969 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
1969-1970 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
1970-1971 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
1971-1972 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
1972- 1973 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
1973-1974 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
1976- 1977 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
1979 -1980 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
1980 -1981 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
1982 -1983 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
1996-1997 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
1997-1998 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
1998-1999 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
1999-2000 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
2000-2001 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
2003-2004 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
2004-2005 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
2005-2006 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
2006-2007 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
2007-2008 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
2009-2010 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
2010-2011 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
2011-2012 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
2016-2017 Stanford Law School Student Hand Book
©Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305.