Title: Women Trailblazer Transcripts
Inclusive Dates: 1995 to 2014
Commission on Women in the Profession
Senior Lawyers Division
American Bar Association
Access Restrictions: Some Restrictions
Copyright Restriction: Property rights reside with Stanford Law School Archive. Intellectual right are retained by the creator of the records or their heirs.
Series Description:
This series consist of the transcribed transcripts of the Oral History interview done by the Women Trailblazer Project. These are edited versions from the Women Trailblazer Oral History interview recordings for more succinct wording. An individual women was interview by a volunteer lawyer sent by the Commission on Women in the Profession. Depending on the individuals, they were sometime interviewed several time over the course of several years. Subjects covered in the interview are personal family history, education, career development, and gender discrimination. Each of these interviews was compiled into a single file under the individual ' name. This series is arranged in alphabetic order by last name. Boxes 1 through 5, are completely open to the public. Box 6 is restricted in accordance to the individual’s release form. Please contact the Stanford Law School’s Archive for more details or requirements to view the documents.
Extent: 7.51 Linear Feet (Textual)
Boxes 1-2: GS-SU-07-03-02
Boxes 3-4: GS-SU-07-03-03
Boxes 5-6: GS-SU-07-03-04
Identifier Number: LAW-WTP-001
Accession Number: 2017-DM-001
Box One
Ruth I. Abrams
Loretta Collins Argrett
Barbara A. Babcock
Sheila Bair
Rosemary Barkett
Carole K. Bellows
Sheila L. Birnbaum
Barbara A. Black
Ruth Burg
Elizabeth J. Cabraser
Nancy Duff Campbell
LaDoris H. Cordell
Ann K. Covington
Mary Cranston
Sara-Ann Determan
Carol Dinkins
Box 2
Carol Dinkins
Bernice B.Donald
Antoinette L. Dupont
Christine M. Durham
Betty Weinberg Ellerin
Betty Binns Fletcher
Tamar Frankel
Maryann Saccomando Freedman
Frankie Muse Freeman
Sonia Pressman Fuentes
Joanne M. Garvey
Nancy Gertner
Jamie S. Gorelick
Marcia Greenberger
Joan M. Hall
Gail Harmon
Constance Slaughter Harvey
Antonia Hernández
Irma Herrera
Carla A. Hills
Sheila Slocum Hollis
Box 3
Sheila Hollis
Zona Hostetler
Shirley M. Hufstedler
Roberta S. Karmel
Judith S. Kaye
Cornelia Groefsema Kennedy
Catherine D. Kimball
Carolyn Dineen King
Patricia A. King
Joan Dempsey Klein
Phyllis A. Kravitch
Elizabeth B. Lacy
Esther Lardent
Judith Lichtman
Karen J. Mathis
Barbara Mendel Mayden
Marygold S. Melli
Lizabeth A. Moody
Linda Strite Murnane
Dorothy Nelson
Angela E. Oh
Bettina B. Plevan
Connie Putzel
Peggy A. Quince
Box 4
Myrna S. Raeder
Roberta Cooper Ramo
Janet Reno
Judith Resnik
Betty Roberts
Barbara Paul Robinson
Catherine G. Roraback
Ilana Diamond Rovner
Florence Wagman Roisman
Lynn Hecht Schafran
Grace Berg Schaible
Lois Schiffer
Pauline A. Schneider
Mary M. Schroeder
Norma L. Shapiro
Box 5
Ada Shen-Jaffee
Shirley Adelson Siegel
Constance Slaughter
Dolores Korman Sloviter
Janie Shores
Stephanie K. Seymoar
Fern Smith
Selma Moidel Smith
Marna S.Tucker
Judith P. Vladeck
Rosalie E. Wahl
Sylvia H. Walbolt
Zita L. Weinshienk
Mary Jo White
Ann Marie Whittemore
Judith A. Winston
Wendy W. Williams
Miriam Wolff
Box 6-Restricted
Shirley S. Abrahamson
Judith C. Areen
Brooksley E. Born
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Lani Guinier
Gladys Kessler
Petra J. Maes
Diana Murphy
Diana Murphy’s Photo
Katherine H. O’Neil
Judith Resnik
Linda Singer
Patricia M. Wald
Rya W. Zobel
©Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305.