Title: Video Recordings of Lizzie Borden on Trial
Inclusive Dates: 1997
Access Restrictions: Restricted-Technological
Reproduction Restriction: Reproduction is unrestricted, but permission is needed before using in publications.
Series Description:
This series consist of video recording of Lizzie Borden on Trial event sponsor by Development office. This was event was held on September 16, 1997 to celebrate Professor Barbara A. Babcock in being the first the Judge John Crown Professorship in Law. Lizzie Borden on Trial is a dramatization of a real trail which happen in 1892. The initial video recording is on a magnetic tape-based analog video cassette format. The tape is composed of magnetic particles, a binder, and a polyester base (187mm wide, 103mm deep, and 25 mm thick, with a tape width of ½" 12.7mm). The recording was later reformatted by Robert Crown Law staff to a DVD Recording by, digital optical disc (120mm in diameter and 1.2mm thickness).
Extent: 2 VHS, 1 DVD
Location: GS-SU-02-03-02
Identifier Number: LAW-KF223B6L591997
Lizzie Borden on Trial: A Dramatization in Celebration of the Judge John Crown Professorship in Law [Videotape]
Lizzie Borden on Trial: A Dramatization in Celebration of the Judge John Crown Professorship in Law [Videotape]
Lizzie Borden on Trial: A Dramatization in Celebration of the Judge John Crown Professorship in Law [DVD]
©Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305.