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Boolean and Terms & Connectors Searching

Introduction & Terminology

Guide Overview

This guide provides an introduction to Boolean (often used interchangeably with Terms & Connectors) searching and natural language searching, with a focus on searching for legal materials.

  • Natural language searching is like searching on Google and can be useful when exploring a topic completely new to you because you can search in the same way as you would talk about a subject.
  • Boolean searching is a search method that technically only utilizes AND, OR, or NOT to tell a database how you want terms connected in a search.
    • AND means you wish both terms to appear in your search results (e.g. Stanford AND Law);
    • OR means you wish either term to appear in your search results (e.g. Stanford OR Leland);
    • NOT means you wish the term following NOT to not appear in your search terms (e.g. Stanford NOT "Palo Alto").
  • Terms & Connectors searching is a search method very similar to Boolean searching but that uses substantially more operators to connect search terms, allowing you more control over a search.
  • Special Note: terms & connectors is often used interchangeably with Boolean searching, though the two are technically different. When you're looking at the advanced search options in a database, be sure to check both for Boolean searching and for T&C searching so that you understand all possible operators available to you.

The below chart compares natural language search examples with terms and connectors search examples.

Natural Language Search Terms & Connectors Search
endangered species sea turtles "Endangered Species Act" AND "sea turtles" /p habitat! 
classroom photocopies copyright infringement (reproduc! OR photocop!) /s (class! OR educat!) AND "copyright infringement"

Narrowing Your Search (Too Many Results)

If your search retrieves too many results, you can narrow your search by using some of the connectors listed here.

In the chart below, the left column contain operators for use on Lexis, while the right column contain operators for use on Westlaw.  This chart can also be downloaded as a PDF at the bottom of this page. 

Broadening Your Search (Too Few Results)

If your search retrieves too few results, you can broaden your search by using OR or root expanders.

In the chart below, the left column contains operators for use on Lexis, while the right column contains operators for use on Westlaw.  This chart can also be downloaded as a PDF at the bottom of this page. 

Additional Resources