This collection contains Stanford Law School Students’ theses and dissertations written to fulfill the academic requirements for advanced degrees. Historically, the collection of Theses and Dissertations were produced as part of the requirement coursework for receiving a Master of Laws (1933-1969), a Juris Doctor (1906-1932), or a Doctor of Jurisprudence.
Currently, works received from students are produced under two different graduate programs. Thesis are works were produced as part of the requirement for the Stanford Program in International Legal Studies (SPILS). SPILS was established in 1995 by Professors Lawrence Friedman and Thomas C. Heller, to educate international students, lawyers, judges, public officials, and other professionals trained in the study of law outside the United States. Students in the SPILS Program are required to do interdisciplinary research that affects the global community. The culmination of this program is a research project that each individual student develops over the course of the year under a faculty advisor, after which the earns a Master of the Science of Law degree. The research project must demonstrate the student's ability to employ empirical methods of investigation and must addresses issues in the international community or within a specific country. These can cover a large range of topics that analyze legal cultures, legal reforms, or public policy.
Dissertations are produced under Doctor of Science of Law program or JSD. The JSD program as we know it was revised for the Doctor of Jurisprudence in 1969 is designed for students who are interested in pursuing an academic career. Doctor of Science of Law Students are selected from the Stanford Program in International Legal Studies and those who have a postgraduate degree in Legal Studies.
All materials in this collection were donated by individual authors to the Stanford Law Library's Special Collections.
Collection Identity Number: LAW-3781
Robert Crown Law Library
Stanford, CA 94305-8610
Phone: 650.723-2477
©Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305.