Title: Early Thesis and Dissertation of Stanford Law School
Inclusive Dates: 1929 to 1956
Access Restrictions: None
Copyright Restriction: For copyright status, please contact the Robert Crown Law Library's Special Collections
Series Description:
This series consists of Thesis and Dissertations that was produced during the time period of 1929 to 1956 under the Master of Law Program and Doctor of the Science of Law Program offered by Stanford University. Subject matter topics that these theses and dissertations covers varies greatly. This series is arranged by call number and the author’s last name.
Extent: 1 linear feet (Textual)
Location(s): GS-SU-06-02-01
3781 1929 N -The Progress of Law from Chance to Choice
3781 1935 G - Considerations Basic to a New Penal Code: with Particular References to Wisconsin
3781 1935 G - Section 7(a) of the NIRA: Background and Procedure
3781 1936 T - The Administration of the Sales Tax by the California State Board of Equalization
3781 1937 L - Rights and remedies against illegal, excessive, and unequal property taxes
3781 1937 P - Inter-corporate Vicarious Liability in California
3781 1938 B - Bases of Corporate Liability on Contracts Made by Promoters Prior to Incorporation
3781 1938 L - Tort Liability of Administrative Officers
3781 1940 K - California's Conservative Certiorari
3781 1942 Y - A Survey of the California Real Estate Division: a Statewide Administrative Agency
3781 1945 S - A Comparative Study of the Rights of Illegitimate Children in Puerto Rico and in California
3781 1946 M - Requirements of Notice and Hearing in License Issuance, Renewal and Revocation Cases
3781 1947 G - Federal Taxes and Transfers Revocable by Operation of Law
3781 1948 W - Civil procedure in Georgia
3781 1952 Y - Some Aspects of the Law Relating to Equitable Liens
3781 1955 S - The Commerce Power in Canada
3781 1956 S - The Commerce Power in the United States: A Canadian Translation
©Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305.