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Stanford Law School's Theses and Dissertations Collection

Title: Stanford Law School’s Dissertations, 1996 to 2010

Title: Stanford Law School’s Dissertations
Inclusive Dates: 1996 to 2010

Access Restrictions: None
Copyright Restriction:  Property rights reside with Robert Crown Law Library Special Collection.  Copyrights are retained by the creator of the records or their heirs.

Series Description:

This series consists of dissertations produced by Stanford Law School’s candidates in the Doctor of the Science of Law or the Doctor of Jurisprudence programs during the years of 1996 to 2010.  Each dissertation is original research that each individual submit to a committee of Stanford law professors to prove that they add substantial original scholarly works.  Subject matter that Dissertation covers is diverse in nature. This series is arranged by call number and author's last name. 

Extent: 3 linear feet (textual)
Location(s): GS-SU-06-02-01 to GS-SU-06-01-06


Item List:

3781 1996 C - Environmental Protection Under and After Socialism: A Study of Poland 
3781 1996 C - Riverrun: Three Essays about the Uses of History in Legal Problems Concerning Native Americans 
3781 1996 D - Do you Speak Genomics?: Patenting Biotechnology "Translation" Inventions and Other Macromolecules 
3781 1996 S - Corporate Governance in Quasi Public Corporations: A New Perspective in Cameroon  
3781 1997 B - Innovation Market Concept: A Model for European Merger Control? 
3781 1997 E - The Dispute Settlement System in the Egyptian Capital Market and Economic Development 
3781 1997 H - Private Property, Culture, and Ideology: Israel's Supreme Court and the Jurisprudence of Land Expropriation
3781 1997 Y - Medical Malpractice in Taiwan: Myth and Reality 
3781 1997 Z - A Critical Analysis of the Ethical Duty of Confidentiality in the American law
3781 1998 B - The accommodation of Interests in Freedom of the Press and Protection of Reputation in the Constitutional Doctrine of the United States and Spain  
3781 1998 C - Differential Treatment in International Law: A New Framework for the Realisation of Sustainable Development  
3781 1998 C - International Tax Policy Under NAFTA: The Impact of National Tax Differences on Capital Flows under Regional Trade and Investment Integration  
3781 1998 C - Telecommunications Reform in Mexico: Challenges for Entering the Global Digital Economy 
3781 1998 H - Rethinking the Legal Structure of Bank Securities Powers: "Universal Banking" vs. the "Glass-Steagall Act" in Taiwan  
3781 1998 K - Property Rights and Biodiversity Management in Kenya: The Case of Land Tenure Regimes and Wildlife Management
3781 1998 L - Economic and Sociological Theories of Contingent Employment: Critique and Implications for Law Reform  
3781 1998 N - Copyright and a Democratic Civil Society  
3781 1998 R - Constitutional Gravity and Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Unitary Theory of Public Civil Dispute Resolution
3781 1998 Y - Embedded Strategies, Corporate Partners, and Markets in the Digital Age 
3781 1999 C - Assessing the Impacts of Trade Liberalization on Forests 
3781 1999 D - The Impact of Plant Intellectual Property Rights on Thailand's Agriculture: Implications of the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) 
3781 1999 Y - International Strategic Alliances in High Technology Industries: A Law and Economic Analysis From an Antitrust Perspective 
3781 2000 D - Volume 1 Sexual Harassment Law: History, Cases, and Theory 
3781 2000 D - Volume 2 Sexual Harassment Law: History, Cases, and Theory 
3781 2000 K - Restructuring the Liability Regime in the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 
3781 2000 L - Minimal State and Distributive Justice: An Essay on Nozick's Theory with Some Comparative Aspects to Rawls'
3781 2000 O - Law, Gender Relations and Social Change in Nigeria
3781 2000 W - Environmental Pollution in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: A Case for Direct Equity Participation

3781 2001 C - Self-Censorship and the Struggle for Press Freedom in Hong Kong
3781 2001 H - Administrative Litigation and Court Reform in the People's Republic of China 
3781 2001 H - Critical Eating: Genetically Engineered Foods in International Relations: Designing International Bodies on Risk Management in Evolving Science & Technology with Global Impact 
3781 2001 R - Counsel for the Indigent Accused in the United States and the Republic of Korea: Constitutional Reflections and Suggestions for Changes in the South Korean Criminal Justice System 
3781 2001 R - Strategic Alliances in the United States Microelectronics Industry
3781 2001 W - Four Traces of Michelman and Sunstein's Legal Republicanism: Republican Historiography, Communitarianism, Habermasian Philosophy and Rawlsian Liberalism  
3781 2001 W - The Comparison of Prosecutorial Functions in the U.S.A. and in Taiwan
3781 2001 Z - Human Rights Law and Public Interest Lawyering: A Study on the Interdependence of Jurisprudence and the Legal Profession in Israel
3781 2002 C - Environmental Cooperation Institution Building in Northeast Asia
3781 2002 E - Personal Bankruptcy in Israel 
3781 2002 L - Custody Decisions in Social and Cultural contexts: The Best Interests of the Child Standard and Judges' Custody Decisions in Taiwan 
3781 2002 L - Legal Culture and Social Change: The Case of Taiwanese Family Law Development 
3781 2002 M - A Tale of Two Networks: Interconnection in Early Telephony and the Comme[r]cial Internet 
3781 2002 M - A Tale of Two Networks: Interconnection in Early Telephony and the Comme[r]cial Internet 
3781 2002 R - 2001: A Space Odyssey: Law, Space, and Society in Contemporary Israel 
3781 2002 T - The Political Economy of Regulatory Competition: A Diachronic Institutional Theory of Legal Change in an Era of Globalization 
3781 2002 W - Crypto Policy and Online Public Forums 
3781 2003 B - The Puzzle of Mass Torts: A Comparative Study of Asbestos Litigation 
3781 2003 J - Pharmaceutical Differential Pricing: Reality or Wishful Thinking? 
3781 2003 S - Constructing Copyright and Literary Creativity in Kenya Cultural Politics and the Political Economy of Transnational Intellectual Property 
3781 2003 X - Mediation in China and the United States: Toward Common Outcome 
3781 2004 H - Why Do They Not Obey the Law?: A Case Study of a Rural-Urban Migrant Enclave in China 
3781 2004 L - Unfinished Business: Challenging Microsoft in Taiwan
3781 2004 M - Kiamas: Rethinking Access to Justice in Domestic Violence Cases in Kenya 
3781 2004 N - Commercializing Motion Pictures and Sound Recordings Through the Internet: Copyright Law and Technological Change 
3781 2004 P - Balancing in Constitutional Law: A Suggested Analytical Framework Applied to American Constitutional Law 
3781 2004 S - An Analysis of the Political Economy of Japanese Fisheries: The Dynamics of Bureaucratic Policymaking in Domestic and International Fisheries
3781 2005 A - An Attempt to Mediate Immigrant Integration: Intercultural Mediators in Catalonia 
3781 2005 C - Paying for Nature Conservation with Tax Dollars?: An Evaluation of the Role of Fiscal Policy Reform in Promoting Biodiversity Conservation in Canada through Legal, Economic, Ecological, Fiscal and Political Lenses  
3781 2006 A - Banking System in Islamic Countries: Saudi Arabia and Egypt 
3781 2006 A - Democratic Deliberation of Trade Legislation in Ghana: Institutions, Interests and Accountability
3781 2006 A - The Legal Culture of the European Court of Human Rights 
3781 2006 H - Women's Experience in Court: The Implementation of Feminist Law Reforms in Civil Proceedings Concerning Domestic Violence 
3781 2006 L - Divorce and Annulment in San Mateo County, California 1950-1957 
3781 2006 N - Toward Better-Balanced Copyright Regulations in the Digital and Network Era: Law, Technology, and the Market in the U.S. and Japan
3781 2006 P - Criminal Investigation and Prosecution in Mexico City: A Case Study of Miguel Hidalgo County and its Ministerio Público 
3781 2006 Y - Legal Risk and Investment in India: A Case Study of the Dabhol Power Project 
3781 2007 C - Unbundling Path Dependence: A Case Study of Telecommunications Reform in Mexico (1990-2006) 
3781 2007 G - All in the Family: The Influence of Social Networks on Dispute Processing: A Case Study of a Developing Economy
3781 2007 H - Social Symmetry: A Theory of Altruism and Cooperation
3781 2007 L - From Imitation to Innovation: The Role of Patent in China's Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries 
3781 2007 M - Clientelism, Competition and Corruption: Informal Institutions and Telecommunications Reform in Kenya
3781 2007 W - Legal Framework for the Development of Venture Capital in China: Policy Recommendations for the Establishment of a Growth Enterprise Market ("GEM")       
3781 2008 M - Rules and Engagement: A Comparative Qualitative Evaluation of European Union Rule-of-law Promotion in Romania, Turkey, Serbia, and Ukraine 
3781 2008 N - The Role of Competition Law and Policy in the Economic Development of Korea
3781 2008 P - "In the Public Interest": Threats to Self-regulation of the Legal Profession in Ontario, 1998-2006  
3781 2008 P - The Next Generation of Mexican Lawyers: A Study of Mexico's System of Legal Education and its Law Students 
3781 2008 S - Beyond Legalism: The Mexican Supreme Court in the Democratic Era 
3781 2009 L - The Neglected Role of Non-Profit Organizations in the Intellectual-Commons Environment 
3781 2009 P - The Political-Economy and the Causes of Compliance of Trade and Investment Agreements: NAFTA and the Sweeteners Sector 
3781 2009 S - "Outside the Pale of the Law": The Processing of Disputes in Buduburam Refugee Camp in Ghana 
3781 2009 S - Recalcitrant Victims and Refractory Systems: An Exploratory Study of Attrition During the Investigation of rape Complaints in Post-Apartheid South Africa
3781 2009 T - The Design of Micro Credit Contracts and Costs of Credit: A Case Study of Micro Enterprise Finance in Uganda 
3781 2010 C - Improving the Business Climate Under the Hot Sun: Do Small Business Associations Make a Difference?: A Study of Four Districts in Nyanza Province, Kenya
3781 2010 F - From Gender Based-Violence to Women's Violence in Haiti 
3781 2010 F - From State Street to Bilski: Patent Protection in the Financial Industry
3781 2010 L - Weak Independent Directors, Strong Controlling Shareholders: Do Independent Directors Constrain Tunneling in Taiwan?
3781 2010 M - Access to Justice and Resolution of Criminal Cases at Informal Chiefs' Courts: The Ewe of Ghana
3781 2010 O - Measuring Japan's Nursery Quality Within the UNCRC Framework: International Standards for Young Children's Social Services and Their Implications for Japan  
3781 2010 S - How do Principals Deal with Underperforming Teachers?: A Study of How Principals from Secondary Schools in Mexico City Manage Underperforming Teachers  
3781 2010 T - Cross-border Enforcement of Patents