Title: Stanford Program in International Legal Studies Theses
Inclusive Dates: 2011 to 2025
Access Restrictions: None
Copyright Restriction: Property rights reside with Robert Crown Law Library Special Collection. Copyrights are retained by the creator of the records or their heirs.
Series Description:
This series consists of student theses produced during 1996 to 2010 as part of the program requirements for the Stanford Program in International Legal Studies (SPILS). The culmination of this program is a research project that each individual student develops over the course of a year under a faculty advisor. This research project must demonstrate the student's ability to do an empirical method of investigation for a topic of their choosing that addresses a concern for the international community or a specific country. Theses can cover a large range of topics that analyze the legal cultures, legal reforms, and policies. This series’s material is collected by individual students donating their thesis to the Stanford Law Archive. This series is arranged by call number and author’s last name.
Extent: 4.2 linear feet (Textual)
Location(s): GS-SU-06-01-06 to GS-SU-05-01-01
3781 2011 A - Public Enforcement of Banking Law in the US : A Comparison between Formal Enforcement Actions Against Foreign and Domestic Banks
3781 2011 A - Whose War on Terror? : Examining the Impact of the US Secure Flight Program on Canada
3781 2011 B - Class actions in Chile
3781 2011 D - In the Shadow of Soft Law: The Handling of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Disputes by Domestic National Contact Points under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
3781 2011 E - Amicus Curiae Briefs of Human Rights NGOs before the European Court of Human Rights
3781 2011 H - A Comparative and Empirical Study on Contractual Frustration : Israel and the United States
3781 2011 K - Lifting the Veil of Secrecy: Judicial Review of Administrative Detentions in the Israeli Supreme Court
3781 2011 M - Corporate Governance and Firm Valuation in Colombia: Are We Heading in the Right Direction?
3781 2012 C - The Informal Constitution: Unwritten Criteria in Selecting Judges for the Supreme Court of India
3781 2012 N - Chains, Chains, Chains: A Look into Venezuelan Legal Culture: The Use of "Cadenas" (Blanket Presidential Broadcasts) as a Form of Compelled Speech by the Venezuelan Government (1999-2010)
3781 2012 R - Did Siliconix have a Negative Effect on Premiums Paid to Minority Shareholders in Tender Offer Freeze-Outs?: An Empirical Analysis
3781 2012 S - From the Sub-Regional to the Regional: Lessons for An All-Inclusive Regional Security Framework
3781 2012 S - Patent Mediation in Germany: Empirical Study on the State of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Europe's Largest Economy
3781 2012 V - Understanding the Governance at the U.S.-Mexico Border Region, Beyond the Formal Environmental Laws: Case Study Based on the Perception of the Inhabitants of Presidio, Texas and Ojinaga, Chihuahua
3781 2013 B - The Occupation of the Law: Power Dynamics Between the Israeli Judiciary and Legislature over Controlling Palestinians Tort Claims against IDF
3781 2013 G - From Consensus To A Divided Court: The Mexican Supreme Court (1995-2011)
3781 2013 G - Praising Calvo and Wearing Investors' Robes: A Case Study of Venezuela and its Strategy in Investment Arbitration in the Oil, Gas and Mining Sectors
3781 2013 H - Copyright Consciousness and Intellectual Property Discourse: The Politics of Creative Commons
3781 2013 I - Socio-Economic Rights and the Complexity of Implementation: A Case Study on the Right to Food Litigation in India
3781 2013 K - Challenges to Re-Constructing Disability with International Human Rights Law: A Case Study of Hungary
3781 2013 K - Empirical Analysis on "Arbitration Reluctance" of Japanese Foreign Investors
3781 2013 K - Putting Public Space in its Place?: The Right to Protest and the Israeli Supreme Court
3781 2013 R - "Watch & Learn": Representation of Illegal Behavior and Obedience to Legal Norms Through the Eyes of Popular Culture, the Case of TV Shows Broadcasted in Israel
3781 2013 R - Corporate Liability for Human Rights Abuses: Have the United Nations Principles on Business and Human Rights Influenced Alien Tort Statute litigation?
3781 2013 R - Educating Spanish Citizens: An Empirical Analysis of K-12 Education Textbooks in Spain
3781 2014 C - Part-Time Old Traffickers?: The Imprisoned Population for Drugs Crimes in Chile
3781 2014 D - Conflicts Between Private and State Disability Identities : Bay Area Subjects' Procedural Justice Perceptions of the Disability Determination Process
3781 2014 F - Thrown to the Lions: A Study about the Chilean family Judges, Their Challenges and their Training
3781 2014 H - Russian Internet Users' Privacy: A Study of Attitudes and Behavior
3781 2014 H - Which Cultural Diversity will Survive Cultural Policies?
3781 2014 J - Early Adopters of the Magical Thinking Cap: A Study on Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (TDCS) User Community
3781 2014 M - Prometheus Bound: How Does the Regulatory System Affect the Information Collection Practices of Social Networks?
3781 2014 R - Regulating the Void: Enforcing Workers' Rights to safety in a Globalized Garment Industry
3781 2014 S - Online Advocacy or Slacktivism?: New Technologies in International Human Rights Advocacy
3781 2014 T - Lost in a Narration: A Preliminary Look at News Coverage of the 2007 Thai Constitution Making
3781 2015 A - From Delaware to Israel: Evaluating Israel's Quasi Experiment of a Specialized Corporate Court
3781 2015 F - La Colosa Gold-Mining Struggle : A Case Study of How a Community Brings the Colombian Constitution to Life for Environmental Justice
3781 2015 I - Copyright Law and Digital Piracy: An Econometric Gobal Cross-National Study
3781 2015 L - Patent Strategies of Technology Start-ups: An Empirical Study
3781 2015 M - Negotiating Gender: Narratives from an Indian Law University
3781 2015 S - Why does a Powerful Regulatory Regime Fail?: An Examination of the Regulation of Prepaid Cards in China
3781 2016 A - White Collar Crimes in Chile: A Case Study About How Prosecutors Are Proscuting Corporations
3781 2016 G - The Low Use of Bankruptcy Procedures: Reasons and Implications Evidence from Spain
3781 2016 H - China Consumer Privacy Protection: Comparative Analysis of Privacy Statements of E-Commerce Websites in China
3781 2016 I - Decision Making with Regard to Whistleblowing Behavior: the Case of the SEC Whistleblower Award Program
3781 2016 K - American Gavel Across Borders: An Empirical Study of Federal Case Law on Extraterritorial Exercise of the U.S. Civil Jurisdiction
3781 2016 N - Detainees on Stage: Achievements and Challenges of the Newly-Implemented Custody Hearings in São Paulo State Courts
3781 2016 O - Forced Disappearance Cases before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Receptiveness and Engagement by the Court and the Respondent States
3781 2016 R - Do New Capital Requirements (Basel III requirements) Affect the Lending Activity Performed by Colombian Banks?
3781 2016 T - Judges and Management Tools: A Case Study of Two Courts that Implemented a Quality Management System in Colombia
3781 2016 W - The Role of International Human Rights Law in the Constitutional Court of Korea: An Empirical Study of Decisions from 1988 to 2015
3781 2016 X - An Empircal Study of the Application of China Guiding Cases in Trial
3781 2017 C - Procedural Justice and Explanations: The Influence of Legal Reasoning on How Fairly Judicial Decisions Are Perceived
3781 2017 D - Seeing Red or Seeing REDD+? Climate Change Political Economy and the Collapse of the Indonesian REDD+ Agency
3781 2017 F - Public-Private Partnership For Urban Redevelopment: A Case Study of the Rio De Janeiro Dock District Redevelopment
3781 2017 G - Regulatory Agencies in the Sector of Public Utilities in Argentina: Does The Law Matter?
3781 2017 H - What Shapes Private Securities Enforcement In China: An Empirical Study of Chinese Securities False Statement Civil Compensation Cases
3781 2017 I - The Effects of Generic Entry on Regulated Drug Prices Israel as a (Misleading) Case Study
3781 2017 J - Sunny Skies Ahead? Political Economy of Climate, Trade, and Solar Energy in India
3781 2017 P - Economic, Comparative And Empirical Analysis of U.S. Information Security Law
3781 2017 R - Land Valuation Under the Philippine Agrarian Reform Program: Four Decades of a Double Standard
3781 2017 T - The Mirror of Guerrilla Justice: Judicial Activity in conflict Zones in Colombia
3781 2017 W - Cross-Border Bankruptcies in the US: An Empirical Study of Discretionary Relief Decisions
3781 2018 D - The Extent, Causes, and Implications for India's land policies: Story of Uttar Pradesh
3781 2018 J - The Making of Judicial Yuan (1928-1971): Legal History in the Chinese Diaries
3781 2018 P - A Second Chance on Earth: Understanding the Selection Process of the Colombian Special Jurisdiction for Peace
3781 2018 S - Beyond the Revolution: Understanding the reasons behind the use and mobilization of disability law in the Colombian Constitutional Court
3781 2019 B - Twin Peaks for South Africa: A Panacea or Impending Regulatory Blunder?
3781 2019 D - Economic Effects of The Erosion of The Rule of Law: Stock Market Reactions and Changes in Foreign Investment Inflows in Hungary
3781 2019 G - No Shame While Naming and Shaming: A Behind-the- Scenes Case Study Into the Works of The OECD Working Group on Bribery
3781 2019 H - Unfolding the Role of (Big) Data In European Union's Merger Review
3781 2019 J - “If not Here, Where?” Reflections on a Grassroots Movement Against the Death Penalty in Kerala, India
3781 2019 KA - Watchdog Liability for Facebook’s Privacy Violations
3781 2019 KR -
Employment of Mechanisms That Could Link Common Ownership to Higher Prices: A Case Study of Chilean Pension Fund Administrators
3781 2019 L -
The Evolution of Chinese International Investment Agreements and Their Potential Impacts on Human Rights Protections for the Obor Countries
3781 2019 O - Autonomy Affects Firm Performance: The Case of Kenyan SOEs
3781 2019 PO - Loyalties v. Royalties: Relational Roots in Joint Authorship
3781 2019 R - Despite Aversion to Regulation: How do Clinical Researchers Perceive the Impact of Research Quality Boards on Their Quantity of Publications, Quantity of Funding and Contribution to Scientific Progress?
3781 2019 T - Expungement 2.0: The Limited Edition" Public Views on Rehabilitation in the Digital Age: A Case Study of Israel
3781 2020 B - Judicial Deference to Independent Regulatory Agencies in Brazil and in the United States: The Case of Energy Regulators
3781 2020 C - Lawyers' Perception of the use of Standardized Instruments in the Legal Profession: The case of EXMIDA in Mexico by
3781 2020 C - Legal Pluralism in Africa: How Zimbabwean Couples Navigate the Path to Marriage
3781 2020 H - Towards Automated Government: The Effects of Algorithmic Advice on Welfare Adjudications
3781 2020 H - Rent, Reduction, and Reason: An Incentivized Vignette Survey on the Economic Value of Lease Law Remedies
3781 2020 M - Judge’s Understandings of their Legitimacy: A Crisis in the Era of High Performance in Chile
3781 2020 T - Does Free Speech Kill? On the Relationship Between Freedom of Expression and Hate Crimes
3781 2020 V - Friends of the Court: Analysis of Amici Influence in the Colombian Constitutional Court 1992-2018
3781 2020 X - Supervising Corruption: The Role of Supervisory Board in Preventing Corruption in Chinese State-owned Enterprises
3781 2021 H - The Missing Half of Open Government
3781 2021 N -
Disclosures, Exemptions, and Judicial Review: An Empirical Study of High Court Decisions on India’s Right to Information Act, 2005
3781 2021 Z -
Re-engineering the Venture Capital and Private Equity Market– Lessons from Stock Market Exits in China
3781 2022 BM -
Tunisia’s Equality Culture: Cultivated by International Law, Art, and Consciousness
3781 2022 CH -
Cooperation Among Disputing Lawyers: The Case of Investment Arbitration
3781 2022 CR -
Consumers' Literacy and Decision-Making: The Case of The Private Health Insurance Market in Chile
3781 2022 E -
“Easier Said Than Done”: A Latin American Comparative Study on The Relationship Between Constitutional Recognition of Social Rights and Social Rights Outcomes (1801-2021)
3781 2022 LI -
Family Businesses and Their Estate Disputes in Late Nineteenth Century Taiwan (1870–1895)
3781 2022 LO -
The Pick of The Litter: Market Failures, Efficiency and Bondholders’ Debt Settlement Workouts in Israel
3781 2022 S -
The Temporal Dimension of Private Antitrust Litigation in Brazil: A Survival Analysis Exploratory Study
3781 2022 T -
Whither “Exploitation”: An Understanding of Exploitation for The Purposes of Prosecuting Human Trafficking in The United States
3781 2022 TA - Prosecutors Bring More, and More Severe, Charges When They Do Not Need to Collect All Evidence
3781 2022 V -
Stock Purchase Agreement Litigation in Brazil and The United States
3781 2022 W - Data, Digital Identity and Antitrust Law: An Exploratory Study of Facebook’s Novi Digital Wallet
3781 2023 B - Stand at Ease: Judicial Review Practices of the Israeli Supreme Court in Cases Previously Litigated in Military and Occupational Courts
3781 2023 D -
Governing Family and Shaping Child Rights: Navigating Best Interest Standard in China’s Child Protection Legal Practice and Services
3781 2023 H -
Analyzing the Misselling of Private Equity Funds and Policy Recommendations: A Case Study of South Korea
3781 2023 LE -
Brazilian Women Journalists and Self-Censorship Driven by Online Violence
3781 2023 LL - One Playing Field, Two Different Games: Unpacking Litigation Fairness in Chinese Private Lending Lawsuits
3781 2023 LO - Regulating Decentralized Financial Technology - A Qualitative Study on the Challenges of Regulating DEFI With a Focus on Embedded Supervision
3781 2023 LI - The Role of Consumer Trust in Algorithmic Competition - Social Engineering Through Individual Trust and Institutional Trust
3781 2023 S - Algorithmic Pricing and Antitrust Law: An Empirical Study of US, Eu and India
3781 2023 T -
Environmental Industrial Relations: Examining ‘Green’ Clauses in Canadian Collective Bargaining Agreements
3781 2023 V -
Legal Issues Associated to Digital Multisided Platforms: Evidence from Consumer Complaints Against Rappi in Colombia, 2016-2022
3781 2024 B - Uncovering the Tecnolatinas Investments: An Empirical and Qualitative Study on the Corporate Structures Used to Invest in the Latin American Technology Sector to Mitigate Perceived Risks
3781 2024 C - Building the Gate or Bridging the Way? Analyzing Regulatory Frameworks for Bank's Engagement in Venture Capital Through Empirical Evidence from Taiwan
3781 2024 CG - The Amparo Paradox: Exploring Accessibility and Efficacy In Mexico’s Legal Framework
3781 2024 FV - The Global Governance of Human Rights in Mexico: A Study on How the Detention of Unaccompanied Child Migrants has Changed Since the Legal Reform of 2020
3781 2024 H - Genetically Engineered Animals in Agriculture: Barriers, Regulatory Framework and Its Impact on Stakeholders
3781 2024 I - Unraveling The Aftermath: Examining Drug Possession Cases Post-Mexican Supreme Court Cannabis Ruling
3781 2024 P - The Tale of Two Cities: Corporate Social Responsibility with Chinese Characteristics and Within International Law
3781 2024 R - The Legal and Economic Impact of Chilean Supreme Court Intervention in the Health Insurance Market
3781 2024 Y -
Legal Education As Empowerment: Chinese Women Going To Law Schools And Their Gendered Battle
©Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305.