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Stanford Law School Student Organizations and Journal Collection

Series Description:

Series Description:


Title: Marion Rice Kirkwood Competition,
Inclusive Dates: 2021-2022

Access Restrictions: None
Copyright Restriction: Property rights reside with Robert Crown Law Library Special Collection. Copyrights are retained by the creator of the records or their heirs.

Series Description:

This series consist of materials related to Marion Rice Kirkwood Moot Court Competition. Moot courts are mock appellate court cases where competitors prepare a written explanation, otherwise known as briefs, weather a case had a correct legal determination. Participants will submit their briefs to competition judges. Participants will then make an oral argument to a competition judges furthering explaining of their legal argument. Materials include the case files for competition, Transcript of Record- which are all material evidence related to the case, Participants’ bench memorandum, and finalists’ briefs and rebuttal. There is an expected yearly accretion to this series. This series is arranged by year.

Extent: 0.30 Linear Feet (Textual)
Location: GS-CU-06-05


Folder List:

2020-2021 Moot Court Materials
2021-2022 Moot Court Materials