Title: Mikhail Gorbachev Delivering Phleger Lecture,
Inclusive Dates: 1992-05-09
Creators/Contributors: Stanford Law School
Access Restrictions: None
Copyright Restriction: Property rights reside with Robert Crown Law Library Special Collection. Copyrights are retained by the creator of the records or their heirs.
Series Description:
This is a video record of the Herman Phleger Lecture given by Mikhail Gorbachev. Mikhail Gorbachev was the 1992 recipient of Herman Phleger Visiting Professor of Law. This video record of his public lecture called “The Difficult Road to the Rule of Law”.
Extent: 1 Videotape
1.07 Gigabyte (Digital)
Location: GS-SU-02-02-05
Identifier Number: LAW-81602
Accession Number: 1999-SLS-033
©Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305.