Title: Vanity Fair Prints
Inclusive Date: 1869 - 1890
Access Restriction: Some Restrictions-Fragile
Copyright Restriction: Property rights reside with Robert Crown Law Library Special Collection. Copyrights are retained by the creator of the records or their heirs.
Series Description:
This series consist of prints produced for Vanity Fair in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The print was from several series produce for Vanity Fair, Judges Men of the Day, and Statesmen. These prints within our collections focus on individuals who were judges. A given print also has corresponding text discussing the individuals. Due to the extremely acidic and brittle of the text, they are stored in a separate folder then their corresponding print. An item level index is available.
Major of these prints were a gift from Marcus Cauffman Sloss. Sloss (1869-1958) was an early Stanford Law School Alumni who later was a Judge of the Superior Court of the City and County of San Francisco and was a Justice of the California Supreme Court from 1906-1919. He was also a trustee of Stanford University for thirty years, 1920-1950.
Extent: 1.42 Linear Feet
Location: GS-SU-12-01-04
Identifier Number: LAW-13103
Accession Number: 2004-SLS-007
©Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305.