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Researching the Law in the United States for LLM Students

Resources for LLM students for research, the U.S. legal system, and studying at law school

Course Reserves, Past Exams & Study Aids

Course Reserves

Course reserves are resources that are required for courses and that are made available for short-term loans at the library. Course reserves are located on the second floor in the Teaming room. The large scanners next to course reserves can be used to scan the assigned pages of the material. For more information about course reserves and how to check them out, see the library's Course Reserves page.

Past Exams

Many professors post copies of past exams and answer keys to the library's Digital Reserves. The exams are organized by instructor and by course. Note that not all professors post exams and/or answer keys.

Study Aids

The library also has an extensive collection of study aids in the Eyles Aisle, which is on the second floor directly across from the elevators/restrooms. This aisle contains numerous study aids, including the Concise Hornbook Series, Examples & Explanations, Glannon Guide Series, Nutshell Series, Short and Happy Guides, and Understanding Series. These resources can be checked out only for a short period of time; you can also use the scanners in the Teaming room to scan relevant pages. You can either browse the physical collection of study aids; or view the full list of available study aids before physically going into the library.


Additional Resources

The below resources may also be useful to you, though they don't fit precisely into any category. Please also reach out to the reference librarians ( with any questions about any of the resources on this guide, suggestions for additional resources, or questions about accessing any of these resources.