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Source Pulling and Cite Checking for Journal Members


Cheat Sheet for Borrowing Policies & Procedures 

Please note that policies and procedures on this "Important Info" page change periodically. Materials scanned by the library for journals are now available on Google Drive (instead of Box). Find the scans at:

You can also check for updates to policies and procedures on the regularly updated Cheat Sheet (see last updated date at top of document) for information on obtaining articles/books/cases from the law library, other Stanford University libraries, and other libraries around the country. 

Please reach out to journal liaison Heather Joy at or with any questions. 

Journal Library Accounts

Each journal has a library account to check out sources. To add new members or otherwise update the list of authorized users, please email Will Huggins at, or liaison Heather Joy at

Journal Library Shelves

Each journal may store checked-out sources on dedicated shelves on the first floor of the library, at the Borrowing Services Desk (immediately to the left on entering the library). For each source shelved, please provide your journal name, and author of the article. If you need to update the list of article authors (to add or remove shelving assignments) please email, or liaison Heather Joy at 

Connecting From Off-Campus

In order to be recognized as a licensed user of Stanford's restricted databases, electronic journals, and e-books when you are off-campus, you need to configure your browser to use our authenticated proxy server.

Alternatively, you can manually add the following prefix to the URL: For instance, to access the HeinOnline Law Journal Library from off-campus, your URL should be

The legal databases listed on the Robert Crown Law Library's Legal Databases webpage includes links for off-campus access. For assistance with offsite access, please email

Journal Library Accounts

Authorized Users for the Journal's Library Account

Each journal has a library account to check out sources. Journal leadership should alert the library team each time your journal onboards new members; send the names and email addresses of new members to Heather Joy at and/or

Library staff update the Authorized Users list. In order to borrow material using the journal library accounts, source-pullers names must be listed in this document. 

Monitoring the Journal's Library Account

Journal members should also monitor journal accounts, and return recalled material on time to avoid library fines (please do not allow fines to accrue on the journal accounts!). Also, remember to track down missing books that are still charged out to the journal accounts after cite-checking is done. 

Journal leadership may ask for a PIN to review the journal's account for charges, recalls, fines and more. Circulation can also provide this info as a report upon request. Please check journal accounts for recalls and overdue material at least once a week to avoid fines. 

Logging in to the Journal's Library Account

  1. Go to, and select Log In with Pin. Do not click on the Log In with SUNet ID link, as it will take you to your student account.
  2. Enter your journal's library account number.  You can find this number in the barcode box visible on your journal's Authorized User page.
  3. Enter the PIN number provided by Circulation staff.

Journal Shelves

Assigning Journal Shelves

Each journal has dedicated shelving space on the first floor of the law library, at the Borrowing Services Desk (immediately to the left upon entering the library). These shelves are to store the checked-out items for each author's article.

Journal leadership should alert the library team once articles are identified for publication and source pulling is scheduled to begin. Please send the author name, article title, and estimated of needed shelf space (by number of sources, number of citations, or estimated feet/inches) to and

Library staff will assign shelf space for each article author. Please ensure every checked-out book stored on the shelves has the appropriate flag showing the journal name and the article author.

Using the Journal Shelves

Please only store checked-out items on the journal shelves. To determine where to physically place the checked-out item, see the shelving assignment diagram or request assistance from the team at the desk. Also, each item should have a flag; flags are color-coded by journal. Please add the article author name to the flag before storing it on the proper shelf.  

Monitoring Journal Shelves

Please remember to 

  • Update the library when article authors change
  • Clear the checked-out sources from the journal shelves when cite-checking is done (Circulation Desk staff can help with this - just ask!)

iThenticate / Plagiarism

The library manages accounts for the organizational subscription to iThenticate, the professional review tool / plagiarism checker tool from Turnitin. Each journal has an account; for questions about your journal's account, email Heather Joy,

For guidance on using iThenticate, there is a guide for Organizational subscriptions, for Users specifically, including a Quick Start Guide; there is also an FAQ

How do I borrow...? I need access to...

Cheat Sheet for Borrowing Policies & Procedures 

Please note that policies and procedures periodically change. Materials scanned by the library for journals are now available on Google Drive (instead of Box). Find the scans at:

For the most recent policies and procedures, please see the regularly updated Journal Cheat Sheet for information on obtaining articles/books/cases from the law library, other Stanford University libraries, and other libraries around the country. 

Please reach out to journal liaison Heather Joy at, or to with any questions. 

At a Glance - I need to borrow this book

Check out print materials to your journal's library account at the loan desk on the first floor. 

If you would like to check out using self-service, due to preference or because checking out after hours: 1) download the appropriate app for your phone Apple; Android; 2) get the barcode for your journal from the Authorized Users google site. (Please note, the app won’t work at other campus libraries.)  

Note: some campus libraries will not allow you to check out books to a journal account (so you'll have to scan them while visiting that library); see the Cheat Sheet for an updated list. 

Store these checked out items at the Borrowing Services Desk on the first floor of the library. Shelves in the cite checking area are labeled by author and flags are available for identifying journal and author names.  

Summer Scan Request - I can't make it to campus to scan a chapter from a book in the law library or another library on Stanford campus. Use the Summer Scan form to request assistance from library staff. Keep in mind the staff cannot process requests on weekends, or during the dates of closures or events, including the following dates for 2024: 7/1-7/5; 7/19 - 7/23. For 2024, summer scan service ends Aug. 23. 

At a Glance - The book is checked out!

No worries! Simply submit an Interlibrary Loan request and library staff will work on getting a copy for you. Please do not submit a recall for charged-out material. Please review the ILL Instructions and/or How to ILL Video before submitting a request. 

At a Glance - We don't own this book?!

That's no problem!  We'll try to order a copy from another institution.  Please place an Interlibrary Loan request. Please review the ILL Instructions and/or How to ILL Video before submitting a request. 

I'm looking for a reporter/case/opinion!

Please see the List of Reporters for information on locating format-preserving versions online (PDFs or images) or locating a print hard copy of the reporter in the law library. 

Interlibrary Loans (ILL)

This same information is found in this guide under the tab labeled Interlibrary Loans (ILL). It is repeated here for your convenience. 

What is ILL?

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is our service for borrowing books and obtaining journal articles not available through the Stanford University libraries. 

If an item cannot be located within SearchWorks / the Stanford collection at any library, OR if Stanford owns a copy but it is unavailable for some reason, please request an ILL.

How to request an ILL

1. Please ensure that you have checked Searchworks, Articles+, and legal and interdisciplinary databases thoroughly before requesting an ILL; in addition if you're seeking a PDF of a reporter/opinion/case please see the List of Reporters for more information.

2. Review the ILL Instructions, and/or watch the How to ILL Video before submitting a request using the form available on the law library's ILL page

  • Please fill out one ILL request per cite (don't request two books on one form - fill out two forms).

  • Please include your article author's name, issue editor's name and provide all bibliographic information available from your source pull list.

3. Use ONLY the ILL form from the law library's ILL page for journal purposes.

  • Do NOT use BorrowDirect! You may use BorrowDirect for your own individual use, but BorrowDirect does not recognize Journals as entities separate from individual users.  In addition, we have no ability to mediate loan extensions, fees for damaged or lost items, etc. within the BorrowDirect system.  Any BorrowDirect items found on cite-checking shelves will be removed and returned to the owning institution.  

4. Receive your ILL. 

  • Materials are requested from the best lending source.  Some requests may take up to 2 to 3 weeks to arrive.

  • Article ILLs - PDFs of articles will be added to Google Drive:  

  • Book ILLs - you will get an email when books are available for pickup from the ILL shelf (on the first floor, Borrowing Services desk). 

  • Please pick up books as soon as possible, and store properly on the designated journal shelves. The books are checked out to the Journal, not to an individual - please keep them in the library and return them to their dedicated space in the journal shelving when done.

  • Tracking ILLs - for a reminder on how to check the status of your ILL, see the ILL Instructions or How to ILL Video

If you wish, before submitting an ILL search the WorldCat database (a catalog of millions of books held by libraries around the world) to verify that some other library actually owns a copy of the book or item you are seeking.   

Off-Campus Access

Connecting from Off-Campus

If you want to use Stanford's restricted databases, electronic journals, and e-books when you are off-campus, you will need to configure your browser to use our authenticated proxy server. 

Alternatively, you can manually add the following prefix to the URL: For instance, to access the HeinOnline Law Journal Library from off-campus, your URL should be

The legal databases listed on the Robert Crown Law Library's Legal Databases page includes links for off-campus access. For assistance, please email