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Stanford Law School Faculty Records

Series Description:

Title: Faculty Memorial Resolutions Publications
Inclusive Dates: 1948-2018

Access Restrictions: None.
Reproduction Restriction: Reproduction is unrestricted, but permission is needed before using in publications.

Series Description:

This series consist of digital Memorial Resolutions of Stanford Law School Faculty. Memorial Resolution contain information but not limited to short biography, professional career, achievements, and Honors. Series is arranged by individual's last name.

Extent: 4.2 Megabytes (Digital) 
Location: GS-SU-01-04-04

Identifier Number: LAW-6180102


Item List:

Barton, John
Baxter, William
Bingham, Joseph
Brenner, James
Cathcart, Arthur 
Gunther, Gerald
Hancock, Moffatt
Hurlbut, John
Jacobstein, Mike 
Kaplan, John
Keogh, William
Kirkwood, Marion
Lazier, William
Mann, Keith
Manning, Bayless
Merryman, John
Meyers, Charles
Morrison, Stanley
Osborne, George
Owen, William
Packer, Herbert
Rathbun, Harry
Rogat, Yosal
Rosenhan, David