Title: SLADE Proposal Reports
Inclusive Dates: 1967-1981
Creators/Contributors: John Henry Merryman
Access Restrictions: Unprocessed
Copyright Restriction: Property rights reside with Robert Crown Law Library Special Collection. Copyrights are retained by the creator of the records or their heirs.
Series Description:
This series consist of materials from Chile Law Program (CLP), which was a prelude project to Studies in Law and Development research project (SLADE), as well as the proposal for SLADE. Materials include but not limited to CLP materials, proposal and supporting documents for SLADE; statistical analysis of the data collected from SLADE. Arranged as found.
Extent: 2.5 Linear Feet (Bound)
Location: GS-SU-07-02-05
Identifier Number: LAW-1912145
Accession Number: 2018-SLS-02
Box 1
Notarial Data
Research Project- Miriam Waiser (June 1972)
Means, Etc
Chile Seminar Readings on Legal Education
[Table of Contents]
Chile Seminar-Research Proposal
Chile Seminar-Prospectus
Chile Seminar-(Teaching Materials Prepared by Chilean Professors-1967)
SLADE Documents 1972-File #1
Box 2
SLADE Documents 1972-Files # 2
SLADE Documents 1972 File #3
©Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305.