Title: Photographs of Judiciary Atrium
Inclusive Dates: 1999-2011
Creators/Contributors: External Relations (creator)
Access Restrictions: None
Copyright Restriction: Property rights reside with Stanford Law School Archive. Copyright are retained by the creator of the records or their heirs.
Series Description:
This series consist of the photographs that were a part of Judiciary Atrium, an exhibit that paid tribute to Stanford Law School alumni who served on a state supreme or superior court, a federal district or appellate court, or International Court. It was originally located in Crown Quad, Classroom Building (F.I.R. Hall), 1st floor lobby, as part of the Celebration 99 campaign. External Relations reach out to individual alumni judges for their headshots to place on the wall. All photographic materials were donated to Robert Crown Law Library in 2011 from External Relations. Photographs are a mixture of original photographs, negatives, and Black and white reproductions. This series is arranged alphabetically by the individual last name. An index for this series is available upon request.
Extent: 1.04 Linear Feet
Location: GS-CU-08-04
Identifier Number:
Accession Number: 2011-SLS-001
©Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305.