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Ordering Review Copies

How to order review copies from academic publishers

Obtaining Complimentary Print Copies

To order review copies of Carolina Academic Press materials in print format, follow the steps below. You can also find helpful information through Carolina Academic's Complimentary Copy Information page, here:

First, navigate to the CAP Law homepage, here:

Then, search or browse for the book you're looking for. Once you've found it, you can either click the "exam copy" button or the "request a complimentary copy" link. Both will take you to the same form, and allow you to request a review copy.



Lastly, complete the request form. To do this, you will need to enter your name and contact information, institutional shipping address, and information about your course.

Obtaining Complimentary Digital Copies

NOTE: You can access digital review copies of over 500 Carolina Academic publications through the LexisNexis Digital Library for Professor Review Copies, available here: LexisNexis Digital Library Professor Review Copies. For information on how to navigate the LexisNexis Digital Library, please see the "Lexis Nexis Academic Publishing" page of this guide.