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Ordering Review Copies

How to order review copies from academic publishers

Obtaining Complimentary Print Copies

Thomson Reuters Legal Publishing offers complimentary copies of some of their materials in print. 

To request a complimentary copy of a book in print, complete this form. Thomson Reuters will touch base with you with more information.

For more information on what Thomson Reuters offers to law school faculty and staff, visit the Law Professor Resources page.

Obtaining Complimentary Digital Copies

To access complimentary copies of West Academic Publishing or Foundation Press (part of West Academic) materials in digital format, follow the steps below. You can also find helpful information through West Academic's Law Faculty Resources page, here:

(1) Navigate to the West Academic homepage here:

(2) Sign in to your West Academic faculty account. If you do not have a West Academic account, click "Create an Account" in the top-right corner of the page and complete the form. Make sure to use an or email address when registering.

(3) Once logged in, search or browse for the title(s) you are looking for.

(4) After you have located a book that you are interested in, click "Next Steps for Faculty":



(5) Click "View Digital Copy." This will allow you to view an electronic version of most (or all) of the textbook.