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Citation Analysis Tools

This guide provides an overview of how to use citation analysis tools.


In addition to obtaining citation data for articles, tools also are available to measure journal impact. This may be useful information for determining which journals to submit articles for publication consideration. 

Washington & Lee Law Journal Rankings

Washington and Lee's Law Journal Rankings from the Law Library at the Washington & Lee University School of Law is a free resource that ranks law journals based on the number of journal citations, case citations, currency factor, and impact factor. You can create lists of rankings based on subject, country, language, journal type, editor, and format. 

Journal Citation Reports

InCites Journal Citation Reports allows you to compare scholarly and technical journals from the science, technology, and social sciences fields, drawing upon data from Web of Science's Science Citation Index and Social Science Citation Index. A law category is available.

Google Scholar Top Publications

Google Scholar is a free resource that provides a Top Publications list, organized into the following categories:

  • Business, Economics & Management
  • Chemical & Material Sciences
  • Engineering & Computer Science
  • Health & Medical Sciences
  • Humanities, Literature & Arts
  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences
  • Physics & Mathematics
  • Social Sciences

Law is a subcategory within Social Sciences. To filter, click the Categories dropdown arrow and select Social Sciences. Then use the Subcategories dropdown arrow and select Law.

Scimago Journal & Country Rank

Scimago Journal & Country Rank is a free resource that provides rankings for journals and countries based on information from the Scopus database with data from more than 34,000 titles. Law is available as a subject category. Go to Journal Rankings, then use the All Subject Categories dropdown arrow to select Law.