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Citation Analysis Tools

This guide provides an overview of how to use citation analysis tools.

Web of Science Citation Reports

The Web of Science platform includes numerous databases and citation indexes. The platform does not provide access to full-text articles but rather indexes the material. An indexed document includes an abstract, keywords, and information about the document and journal where it is published (e.g., title, author, year of publication, etc.). However, you can find copies of the full-text articles by clicking on the "Find It @ SU" buttons that appear next to the articles. 

Web of Science uses an h-index to measure research impact: "An index of means that there are papers that have each been cited at least times. For example, an h-index of 20 means there are 20 items that have 20 citations or more." 

Step 1: To view a list of the articles that cite a particular article, click on the "Citations" link in the right sidebar. 

Step 2: To create a citation report for the article, click the "Citation Report" button. 

The Citation Report includes information about how many publications have cited the article, h-index count, citing articles (including an option to exclude self citations), times cited (including an option to exclude self citations), and citation count organized by year. 

Author Profiles

Step 1: To view aggregated citation information for all publications written by an author, click on the author's name:

Step 2: This displays all of the articles written by the author. Click on "View Citation Report."

The Citation Report for an author provides information on the number of publications written by the author, h-index, sum of times cited (including an option to exclude self citations), citing articles (including an option to exclude self citations), and times cited organized by year. 


Stanford University's subscription includes the following databases on the Web of Science platform: Web of Science Core Collection, BIOSIS Citation Index, CABI: CAB Abstracts and Global Health, Current Contents Connect, Data Citation Index, Derwent Innovations Index, Inspec, KCI-Korean Journal Database, MEDLINE, Russian Science Citation Index, SciELO Citation Index, and Zoological Record.

Coverage information about publication years and disciplines covered in each database is available online. A Master Journal List is also available online; this is a list of all journal titles covered in the Web of Science platform.