Series Title: Stanford Law School Portraits
Inclusive Dates: 1982-1996
Access Restrictions: None.
Reproduction Restrictions: Reproduction is unrestricted, but permission is needed before using in publications.
Series Description:
This series consist of photographs of individuals taken for the photograph directories of the Stanford Law School. Photographs were taken in early fall semester to be use initially for Stanford Law Journal, the student newspaper, it was superseded by an annual directory. The Photographs includes entering students, with older classes of students, faculty, and Staff presented. Photographs are arranged by the year which the directory is produced then by classes, faculty, and staff. Finally, the photographs are then arranged by alphabetically by last name.
Extent: 1.25 Linear Feet
Location: GS-SU-07-06-01
Identifier Number: 2002-1002
Accession Number: 2002-SLS-1002