Title: Theses and Dissertations of Stanford Law School
Inclusive Dates: 1970-1995
Access Restrictions: None
Copyright Restriction: Property rights reside with Robert Crown Law Library Special Collection. Copyrights are retained by the creator of the records or their heirs.
Series Description:
This series consist of both Theses and Dissertations produced during 1970 to 1995. During this time period the Stanford Law School change the parameters of their academic requirements and the type of degrees offered. Much of the theses and dissertations were produced as part of the Master of Laws, Master of Science of Law and the Doctor of the Science of Law program offered at the time. Subject matter of these Theses and Dissertation greatly varies. This series is arranged by call number.
Extent: 5.9 linear feet (Textual)
Location(s): GS-SU-06-02-01 to GS-SU-06-02-03
3781 1970 G - Organizing for Industrial Development: National and Regional Arrangements in Costa Rica and Central America
3781 1972 C - Legal Aspects of Renting, Sharecropping and Other Indirect Land Tenure Forms in Costa Rica
3781 1972 T - Agricultural Credit and the Farmer in Costa Rica: Individual Impact and Institutional Discretion
3781 1974 G - The Dynamics of Justification: a Comparative Study of Reasons in Civil Judgments
3781 1975 P - Oil Pollution, Resource Allocation and the Competitive Nature of the Oil Industry: A Legal and Microeconomic Analysis
3781 1976 L - A comparative study of American and Korean labor laws: The Impact of the American System of Labor Law on the Development of Korean Labor Practices
3781 1976 R - Law and Agrarian Reform in Costa Rica: The Legislative Phase: A Study in Law and Development
3781 1978 P - A Call to High Debate: The Organic Constitution in its Formative Era, 1890-1920
3781 1982 M The Architecture of the European Monetary System: Integrated Analysis of Major Policy Issues
3781 1983 D V.1 - Enforcement Discretion in Antitrust: A Comparative Analysis of the E.E.C. and U.S. Systems
3781 1983 D V.2 - Enforcement Discretion in Antitrust: A Comparative Analysis of the E.E.C. and U.S. Systems
3781 1986 A - Products and the consumer: a critical and comparative study of the legal position in Nigeria
3781 1986 M - Judicial Review v. Democracy: An Inquiry into the Nature and Limits of Legitimate Constitutional Interpretation by the Judiciary
3781 1987 B - Children legalization and public policy: a case study of Ontario's Child and Family Services Act
3781 1987 F - The Sinification of Socialist Legal "Models": The Origins of Chinese Socialist Law, 1919-1949
3781 1987 R - Base Companies in Multinational Corporate Structures: A Comparative Study of Anti-avoidance Legislation and its Impact on Investment Location and Competitiveness
3781 1987 R - Corporate Control and Parent Firms' Liability for their Controlled Foreign Subsidiaries: A Study on the Regulation of Corporate Conduct
3781 1990 K - Due Process and the Thai Criminal Procedure: A Comparative Study
3781 1990 K - Renegotiating Transnational Investment Agreements in the Natural Source Industries in Aid of National Development: A Case Study of Bauxite and Hydro-power Supply Arrangements between the Government of Ghana and the Volta Aluminium Company ltd.
3781 1990 P - The Impact of Contemporary Copying Technologies on Copyrighted Works: Problems Arising from Photocopying in Libraries and Appropriate Solutions Thereto
3781 1991 D - Risks of Foreign Investment in the United States During Political Crises Abroad
3781 1991 K - A Total Life Approach for Dealing with Mentally Disordered Criminals
3781 1991 L - The Recognition and Effect of Cross Border Bankruptcies Between Canada and the United States
3781 1991 S - Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in India and South Korea: Case Studies of the Computer Software and Pharmaceutical Industries
3781 1992 C - Cultural Appropriations: Intellectual Property Laws and the Cultural Politics of Postmodernism
3781 1992 L - Corporate Groups in Taiwan: An Analysis of Regulatory Schemes of Corporate Law
3781 1992 O - Why Mandating Works: A Reply to the President's Veto of Parental Leave Legislation: An Examination of the Myths of Market Forces, Mothers, and Private Employment Underlying the Veto
3781 1992 W - Privatization, the State, and Public Interest Trade Unionism: A Comparison of Canadian and American Postal Services
3781 1993 C - The Role of the Patent System in the Development of Technology in Taiwan
3781 1993 G - Dying Legally: The Legal Implications of Withholding and Withdrawing Life Support in Canada
3781 1994 N - The Legal System of Puerto Rico
3781 1994 O - Effective Institutional and Legal means of Controlling Water Pollution from Sewage: Nigerian and United States Experience
3781 1994 V - Volume 1 Queers, Sissies, Dykes, and Tomboys: Deconstructing the Conflation of "Sex," "Gender," and "Sexual Orientation" in Euro-American Law and Society
3781 1994 V - Volume 2 Queers, Sissies, Dykes, and Tomboys: Deconstructing the Conflation of "Sex," "Gender," and "Sexual Orientation" in Euro-American Law and Society
3781 1994 W - Corporate versus Contractual Mutual Funds: An Evaluation of Structure and Governance
3781 1995 B - Legal mechanism of monitoring state property in Russia
3781 1995 D - A study of the National Labor Relations Board's use of interim injunction proceedings in union organizing contexts pursuant to Section 10(J) of the National Labor Relations Act
3781 1995 E - Copyright Reform and Social Change in a Digital Era: A Democratic Approach to Cyberspace
©Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305.