Title: Stanford Program in International Legal Studies’ Theses
Inclusive Dates: 1996 to 2010
Access Restrictions: None
Copyright Restriction: Property rights reside with Robert Crown Law Library Special Collection. Copyrights are retained by the creator of the records or their heirs.
Series Description:
This series consists of student’s Theses produced during 1996 to 2010 as part of the program requirements for the Stanford Program in International Legal Studies (SPILS). The culmination of this program is a research project that each individual student develops over the course of a year under a faculty advisor. This research project must demonstrate the student's ability to do an empirical method of investigation for a topic of their choosing that addresses a concern for the international community or a specific country. Theses can cover a large range of topics that analyze the legal cultures, legal reforms, and policies. This series’s material is collected by individual students donating their thesis to the Stanford Law Archive. This series is arranged by call number and author’s last name.
Extent: 9 linear feet (Textual)
Location(s): GS-SU-06-02-03 to GS-SU-06-01-06
3781 1996 B - The Accommodation of Interests in Free Speech and Reputation in the Constitutional Doctrine of the United States and Spain
3781 1996 C - Differential Treatment in International Law: Significance of Recent Developments in International Environmental Agreements
3781 1996 C - Tax Harmonization in North America
3781 1996 H - Liberalization, not Regulation!: "Universal Banking" vs. the "Glass-Steagal Act" in Taiwan
3781 1996 K - Institutional Dynamics of Regional Integration in the Asia Pacific Region
3781 1996 K - Property Rights and the Conservation of Biological Diversity in Kenya
3781 1996 M - An inquiry into the Mechanisms of Governance of an Industrial District: A Preliminary Study
3781 1996 O - Legal Education in Nigeria, 1960-1995
3781 1996 R - Agricultural Commodities Futures in Mexico
3781 1996 T - Out of Touch: Greenhouse Gases Trading Proposals and the Politics of Global Warming
3781 1996 T - Regulatory Competition in the Single European Market: Re-thinking the "Market for Regulations"
3781 1996 W - Back to Nature!: A Motto for a GATT Panelist?
3781 1996 Y - The Market Economy: A Case for Reinvention or Diffusion?: A Search for Alternatives to the "Neoliberal Project": A Democratizing and Decentralizing Strategy of Economic Development
3781 1997 C - Environmental Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Lessons from the Mediterranean Region
3781 1997 C - The Development of Business Combinations Doctrine in American Corporate Law
3781 1997 D - The Implication of Compliance with the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) for Thailand's Development: Focusing on Plant Protection
3781 1997 K - Policing the Japanese Financial Market in a Liberalized and Globalized Economic Environment
3781 1997 L - Globalization and International Commercial Arbitration
3781 1997 L - Women, Family, and Social Welfare Policy in Taiwan
3781 1997 O - Finding a Role for Antitrust Regulation of the Internet Standards Market
3781 1997 O - Reforming Japanese Corporate Governance
3781 1997 R - Institutional Dynamic of Economic Integration in the Commonwealth of Independent States
3781 1997 W - Shell in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: A Case for Mandatory Codes of Conduct
3781 1997 W - Social Dialogue in Cyberspace
3781 1997 Y - The Institutionalization of Emerging Technology Companies' Financing in Japan
3781 1997 Z - Civil Rights and Disability Law in Israel and the United States: A Comparative Perspective
3781 1998 C - Regulatory Problems of Trading Material Nonpublic Information on International Stock Markets
3781 1998 C - Women, Work, and Protective Labor Legislation in Taiwan
3781 1998 E - The Israeli Fresh-Start Policy in Bankruptcy
3781 1998 F - Comparative Technology Policy for the Semiconductor Industry in Japan and the United States
3781 1998 H - Domestic Violence as Torture: Possibilities and Limits of the Law in Combating the Psychological Harm and Patterned Nature of Domestic Violence
3781 1998 H - Migrants in China: Leaving the Communes, Entering the Market, Still Under the State
3781 1998 K - The Future of the Regimes Regulating Oil Pollution Liability and Compensation
3781 1998 L - The PRC Bar and Professionalism: A Practical and Theoretical Analysis
3781 1998 R - European and German Environmental Law and the Current Reconstruction of Legal Cultures
3781 1998 R - Why South Korea Needs Institutional Reform in the Government Structure, and How it can Make a Change: Some Suggestions to the South Korean Legislature and Judiciary for an Institutionally Reinforced Check-and-Balance Model
3781 1999 A - Government Failure and Public Indifference: A Portrait of Water Pollution in Israel
3781 1999 B - Differentiation: A New Element in the European Legal Architecture
3781 1999 B - Economic Adjustments and the New Employment Relationship in Europe
3781 1999 C - The Search for Freedom of the Press in Hong Kong: From Misidentification to Reassertion
3781 1999 D - Criminal Procedural Reform and the Ministerio Publico: Toward the Construction of a New Criminal Justice System in Latin America
3781 1999 H - Judicial Practice and Judicial Reform in the People's Republic of China: Lessons from Administrative Litigation in Guangdong Province
3781 1999 H - Searching for Taiwan's Legislative Policies on Consumer Protection Issues in Electronic Commerce
3781 1999 K - Legality of Software Reverse Engineering in Japan
3781 1999 M - A Legal Perspective on Privatization in Australia
3781 1999 M - An Institutional Analysis of Management Problems in Chinese State-Owned enterprises
3781 1999 O - Transparency in Mexican Telecommunications: Mechanisms to Facilitate the Regulation of Telecommunication Services
3781 1999 O - Universal Service in the Global Telecommunications Market: A Study of the 1997 FCC Benchmarking Order in Reforming the International Accounting Rate System
3781 1999 P - Securitization in Spain: An Analysis from the U.S. Economic and Legal Experience
3781 1999 R - Child Labor in Brazil: Solutions at the Domestic and MERCOSUL Levels
3781 1999 R - The Emperor's' New Clothes: Constructing Professionalism: The Case of the Israeli Judiciary
3781 1999 V - Fiduciary Duties and Corporate Liability: Default Rules and Opting Out
3781 1999 W - The Bankruptcy Law in China: Under-utilization and Reasons behind Xiao-gang Wang
3781 2000 B - Compensation for the Palestinian Refugees of 1948: An analysis under international human rights law
3781 2000 G - Status of Traditional Knowledge in International Patent Regime
3781 2000 H - Critical Eating: Genetically Engineered Foods in International Relations: A Study in Public Risk Management
3781 2000 H - Japanese Pro-Patent Policy: An Analysis of Its Impact on the Japanese Biotech by Pharmaceutical and Semiconductor Industries
3781 2000 H - Legal Evasion as a Means of Development: A Case Study of the Internal Migrant Garment Business in Beijing
3781 2000 I - Database Protection in Japan: Seeking the Most Desirable Legal Framework
3781 2000 L - Mother or Father: Who Received Custody?: The Best Interests of the Child Standard and Judges' Custody Decisions in Taiwan
3781 2000 M - Aspects of Small and Medium Scale Enterprise Financing in Zimbabwe
3781 2000 M - Property Rights, Regulatory Risk, and Private Investment in Kenya's Telecommunications Sector
3781 2000 N - The Role of Competition Law and Policy in Korea's Economic Reform and a Critique of Korea's Current Merger Regulation
3781 2000 P - Institutional Investors' Role in Enhancing Corporate Governance in Korea: For Activism and Independence of Mutual Funds
3781 2000 P - Judicial Balancing in Israel: Balancing in the Jurisprudence of Chief Justice Aharon Barak
3781 2000 P - Spanish Young Legal Culture: Between the State and Society
3781 2000 P - Trust and Reliance-Enforcement and Compliance: Enhancing Consumer Confidence in the Electronic Marketplace
3781 2000 S - Foreign Investment in Russian Oil Industry: Analysis and Perspectives of Transaction-driven Law Reform
3781 2000 T - Intellectual Property Protection and Offshore Software Development: An Analysis of the U.S. Software Industry
3781 2000 V - The EU-U.S. Privacy Controversy: A Question of Law or Governance?
3781 2000 Y - India's Power Sector Reforms: Understanding Legal and Institutional Barriers for the Development of an Efficient Electricity Market
3781 2001 A - Do Germ-cells of a Global Human Rights Culture Exist?: A Case Study of the Inner Legal Culture of the European Court of Human Rights
3781 2001 B - Liquidation vs. Reorganization: A Contractarian Approach to Bankruptcy Law
3781 2001 C - Consumer Models, Consumer Policy and Market Integration in the European Community: Consumer in a Strain between Member States and Community
3781 2001 C - Intellectual Property and Technological Development in Central and Eastern Europe
3781 2001 F - Citizen Participation in Environmental Standards in Chile
3781 2001 F - How should Japan Reform its Corporate Legal Structure and Practice to More Effectively Nurture Start-ups?
3781 2001 G - Mediating International Conflicts: Can the European Union do it Effectively?: Institutional Reform and its Impact on the Wars in the Former Yugoslavia between 1991-2001
3781 2001 H - Old Bottle, New Wine: The Guakao Approach and the Development of the Beijing Taxi Industry
3781 2001 L - The Sky is High and the Emperor is Far Away: The Enforcement of Intellectual Property Law in China
3781 2001 L - Universal Service Policy in Taiwan: A Case Study of Telecommunications in an Era of Liberalization and Technological Convergence
3781 2001 M - E-commerce Taxation: A Key to Restructuring the Income Tax System
3781 2001 M - Lawyers, from the State to the Market
3781 2001 M - Persecution, an International Crime?
3781 2001 N - Rethinking the Current [i.e. current] Legal Structure of Japan's Recycling-based Society
3781 2001 N - The Economics of Intellectual Property: A Study of Proprietary Rights, Competition and Technology Transfer in the Software Industry
3781 2001 P - Spanish Legal Culture: Between State and Society
3781 2001 Q - "Your Power Plant or Your Life": Investment Insurance and the Hold-up Problem
3781 2001 S - Deregulation and Political Process: Regulatory Opportunism in Peru's Electricity Industry Reform
3781 2001 S - Opening Sources for Kenya's Development: The Discourse on Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer in Access to Software and Cyberspace
3781 2001 T - Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations and Japanese Public Finance
3781 2001 Y - China's Policy on Encryption Technology: Balancing National Security, Commercial & Political Interests
3781 2001 Z - E-commerce and its Hidden Dragons in China: Benefits, Risks, and Opportunities for the Government and Foreign Investors
3781 2002 A - Securitization of Intellectual Property
3781 2002 A - Tax Compliance: A Proposal for Mexico
3781 2002 B - Governance in Namespaces
3781 2002 C -The Law and the Poor: An Analysis of Legal Marginalization in a Bay Area Community
3781 2002 G - The Use of Institutional Mediation by Venezuelan Business Lawyers
3781 2002 L - Choosing the Right Dispute Resolution Mechanism: A Case Study on the Jewish community in Mexico
3781 2002 L - The Wolf had Come: Are China's Intellectual Property Industries Prepared for the WTO?
3781 2002 L - United We Stand, Divided We Fall: The European Community and its Member States in the WTO forum: Towards a Common Position on Issues of Mixed Competence?
3781 2002 M - Continuing Challenges Against the Boundaries: International Jurisdiction and Choice of Law Issues Arising from International Intellectual Property Infringement
3781 2002 M - Hostile Takeovers in Japan: Analysis and Suggestions
3781 2002 M - The Victim of Domestic Violence and the Criminal Justice System in Kenya: A Case for Restorative Justice?
3781 2002 M - Venture Lawyers: A Comparative Study Between the United States and Chile
3781 2002 N - Diminishing Freedom of Speech within the Copyright Regimes in the U.S. and Japan: What Japan has to Learn from the U.S. Experience
3781 2002 P - Process, Policy and Politics: Regulatory Responses and the Multidisciplinary Practice Debate in Canada
3781 2002 R - Shrimp, Sea Turtles, Mangrove Forests and the WTO: Thailand's Path of Development in the Shrimp Industry
3781 2002 S - Flexibility Mechanisms in the Kyoto Protocol and Korea's Leading Role in Participation
3781 2002 S - Silent Land Use: The Political Economy and Legal Structure of a Government-Based System of Land Use in Japan
3781 2002 V - Domain Name System: Can Competition Fix a Flawed System?
3781 2002 W - China's Emerging Venture Capital Industry: In Search of Exit Strategies
3781 2002 W - Is Helen Worth It?, or, The Efficiency of International Antitrust
3781 2003 A - Policy Formation in a Regulatory "Vacuum": Law and the Political Economy of External Trade Regulation in Ghana
3781 2003 A - The Complex Plasticity of Mediation: Intercultural Mediators in Catalonia
3781 2003 A - The Failure of the Current Legal and Administrative Policy in the Prevention and Treatment of Groundwater Pollution in Israel
3781 2003 A - Toward a Third Japanese Revolution: The Political Economy of Japanese Decentralization
3781 2003 J - Protection of Personal Information in Commercial Transactions: A Korean Perspective by Il Jang
3781 2003 J - Pharmaceutical Differential Pricing: Reality or Wishful Thinking?
3781 2003 L - Do CFC Regulations Acclimatize in Latin America: A Case Study of Mexico, Argentina, VenezCuela, and Brazil
3781 2003 M - EU Membership Conditionality and Democratization in Turkey: The Abolition of the Death Penalty as a Case Study
3781 2003 P - Socorro, A Cry for Help: The Practice of Criminal Procedure in Mexico
3781 2003 P - The Lawyer as Problem Solver: A Challenge for Mexican Law Schools
3781 2003 S - Congress, the Presidential Rulemaking Power and the Mexican Supreme Court: A Failed Attempt at Electricity Reform
3781 2003 V - Significance [i.e. Significance] of Monetary Damage Awards in Intellectual Property Cases: In India and International Domain
3781 2003 W - From Mouthpiece to Money Maker: Chinese Newspapers Become More Autonomous
3781 2003 W - Recurring Dream or Incessant Nightmare?: Foreign Direct Investment in China's Power Industry
3781 2004 B - A Judicial Glass Ceiling?: The Selection of Buenos Aires Federal and State Judges
3781 2004 B - Access to HIV by AIDS Treatment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Patents, TRIPS, and Beyond
3781 2004 C - Business Associations: A Strategy to Reduce Uncertainties in the Informal Business Sector in Kenya
3781 2004 C - Corporate Governance in Latin America: Convergence or Divergence?
3781 2004 D - Judicial Reform in Japan: Japan's Last Structural Reform Project in the Lost Decade
3781 2004 D - Managing Oil Revenues for Socio-Economic Development in Nigeria: The Case for Community-based Trust Funds
3781 2004 O - The Bureaucratic Sectionalism of Japan's Technical Cooperation in the Legal and Judicial Field: The Case of Legal Assistance in Laos
3781 2004 P - NAFTA Chapter 11 Dispute Settlement Mechanism and Mexico: Legitimacy, Evaluation, and the Case for Transparency
3781 2004 P - Providing Access to Health Care Through the Law: Social Economic Rights Lawyering in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Tale of Two Legal Resources Centres
3781 2004 S - Online Proxy Voting: A New Hope for Shareholder Democracy?
3781 2004 S - Underestimating Institutions: A critique of the South African Law Commission's Recommendations for Improving Responses to Rape Complainants
3781 2004 T - Informational Regulation to Prevent Medical Mistakes: A Study of Medical Adverse Event Reporting in the U.S.
3781 2004 T - The multiple realities of multiracialism unpacked: reconsidering conventional wisdom in the management of ethnic relations in Singapore
3781 2005 D -Governance of Brazilian pension funds
3781 2005 F - Geographical Indications: A Discussion on the TRIPS Regulation Before the Ministerial Conference of Hong Kong
3781 2005 J - Reshaping Fiduciary Duties in Mexico: A Step Towards Functionality
3781 2005 K - Assassinations and Political Trials: The Role of the Courts in Two Case Studies
3781 2005 L - New Perspectives on Public Goods Production: Policy Implications of Open Source Software
3781 2005 L - Nonprofit Organizations as Plaintiffs' Attorneys: Shareholder Litigation in Taiwan
3781 2005 L - The Adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility Policies by Multinational Companies
3781 2005 R - How do Art Dealers Document Sales Transactions?: A Case Study in Parisby Tony Reynard
3781 2005 S - Even Heroes Need to Talk
3781 2005 S - Lack of Access to Justice?: Japanese Judicial Reform in Rural Areas
3781 2005 S - Who will Control Frankenstein?: The Korean Chaebol's Corporate Governance
3781 2005 T - "The Elephant in the Room" and "The Toothless Watchdog": The Police-Prosecutorial Dynamics in the Pretrial Detention Practice of a Chinese City
3781 2006 B - Media Bias in the Coverage of the Electoral Process in Guinea
3781 2006 B -To Concur, or Not to Concur: That is the Question, Theoretical and Practical Questions Regarding the Judicial Independence of Judges Appointed Temporarily to the Israeli Supreme Court
3781 2006 G - Performing rights societies in the digital environment
3781 2006 G - Progressive Corporate Law as a New Frontier in Workers' Cause Lawyering: The Case of Israel
3781 2006 H - Crying Out for Justice: Ambiguous Property Rights and the Land: Seizure Problems in China
3781 2006 K - Judicial Activism in Administrative Litigation? 2004 Administrative Litigation Reform and its Impact
3781 2006 K - Not Enough or Too Much? Citizen Redress from Multinational Energy Projects in Turkey: The Case Study of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline Project
3781 2006 R - Revealing Realities Beyond the Formal Law: Untold Stories of Israeli Single Mothers Living on Welfare
3781 2006 S - Some Facts Behind the Myths: An Empirical Analysis of Termination Cases in Mexico
3781 2006 T - Corporate Governance in Uganda: The Role of Bank Finance
3781 2006 T - Legal Landscape in a "Legislative Hurricane": The Czech Legislative Process from Association to Accession
3781 2006 V - Merchants of Living Souls: Traffickers of Human Beings in Romania
3781 2007 C - Do you Really Think War Criminals Should be Punished?: The Actions Taken by Canada, Germany, France, the UK and the US to Promote Criminal Accountability for Serious Crimes in Eastern DRC and Darfur: A Comparative Case Study
3781 2007 C - Study on Intellectual Property Protection and Licensing Policy of Bioinformatics Databases in Taiwan
3781 2007 C - The Implementation of DR-CAFTA in Costa Rica: Exploring Patents and Test Data Protection Provisions for Pharmaceutical Products
3781 2007 F - The Double Weakness of Girls: Discrimination and Sexual Violence in Haiti
3781 2007 H - (Re)institutionalizing Norms of Access: A Study of Technology Transfer Practices at Canadian & U.S. Institutions Engaged in Genetics Research
3781 2007 H - Reform in the Santiago Civil Courts: Is the New Civil Procedure Code a Solution for Backlog and Delay?
3781 2007 K - The Impact of Copyright Beyond National Borders: The Case of Access to Educational Materials in Developing Countries
3781 2007 L - Are Korean Civil Courts Fair to Medical Malpractice Plaintiffs?
3781 2007 L - Defining "National Group" in the Genocide Convention: A Case stufy [i.e. study] of East Timor
3781 2007 M - Legal Aid in Ghana: Challenges in Providing Counsel for the Indigent
3781 2007 N - Co-Adjudicating Human Rights Conflicts: The Supreme Court of Argentina and the Inter-American System of Human Rights
3781 2007 O - West Africa's Participation in WTO dispute Settlement: The "Cotton 4" and the US-Upland Cotton Dispute
3781 2007 S - Comparing the U.S. and French Models of Criminal Pre-trial Investigation: Party-Prosecutor v. Neutral Juge D'instruction
3781 2008 B - Can Environmental Agencies Stop Illegal Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon?: An Analysis in Mato Grosso State
3781 2008 B - To Protect a Mockingbird: Analyzing the Responses of the Brazilian Criminal Justice System to Allegations of Police Brutality
3781 2008 F - Pharmaceutical Firms' Price Rationale When Operating in Middle-Income Countries: A Case Study of Patented Cardiovascular Disease Medicines in Brazil
3781 2008 G - Big is Power--Fact or Fiction?: How Polish People Choose Pension Funds
3781 2008 I - Ten Years of Arbitration Law in Bolivia
3781 2008 K - The Right to Elementary Education: Assertion of Rights and Budgetary Patterns in India since 1990
3781 2008 L - Judicial Power in the WTO: Who gains the Upper Hand?
3781 2008 R - Foreign Direct Investment in Canada: Paying the Toll Troll to Get to the Greener Grass on the Other Side
3781 2008 R - Taking Human Rights Seriously?: The Technicalities of Enforcement of International Human Rights Norms by the Indian Supreme Court: An empirical Study
3781 2008 S - The Perceptions of the Rule of Law Among Immigrants From the Former Soviet Union to Israel: Does Age Matter?
3781 2008 T - Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Agricultural Technology Transfer in East Africa: A Case Study of Uganda
3781 2009 A - The Specifics of Performance: Empirical Study of Specific Performance Litigation in Israel
3781 2009 D - Bureaucracy and Forced Displacement in Bogotá, Colombia: The Construction of Forced Displacement Victims and Other Procedures
3781 2009 D - International Lanham Act Application: An Empirical Study of United States Case Law from 1952 until 2008
3781 2009 K - A Critique of the Community Self-Management Organization Mahalla and its Complicity in Government Repression in Uzbekistan
3781 2009 L - Patent Misuse and Antitrust: An Empirical Study
3781 2009 L - The Tough Reality of Copyright Piracy: A Case Study of the Music Industry in China
3781 2009 L - When accountability Meets Judicial Independence: A Case-Study of 2008 Civil Society Transparency Observation of the Colombian Constitutional Court's Nominations
3781 2009 M - The Paradox of Victim-Centrism: A Case Study of the Civil Party Process at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal
3781 2009 N - Implementing Parallel Importation and Licensing: Mechanisms to Increase Access to Medicines in Kenya
3781 2009 O - Protection of Celebrities in Japan: Case Analysis of Defamation and Invasion of Privacy
3781 2009 S - Attorneys' Perspectives of Mediation: An Empirical Analysis of Attorneys' Mediation Referral Practices, Barriers and Potential Agency Problems, and Their Effect on Mediation in Israel
3781 2009 Y - Taking It to Court or Taking it to the Streets?: How and Why Do Physicians in Taiwan Handle Disputes with the Government-Run Universal Health Plan?
3781 2009 Z - Between Merit and Politics: The Selection of Federal Judges in Argentina
3781 2010 B - Between Rhetoric and Results: The Judicial Role as Perceived by the Israeli Supreme Court in Regard to the Disengagement from Gaza Strip
3781 2010 B - Justice Cascade in Latin America and The Brazilian Case
3781 2010 C - Alms or Arms?: Communication of Counter-Terrorism Financing Laws and the Consequences for Australian Muslim Organizations
3781 2010 C - Climate Change and International Consensus Building: A Content Analysis of the UNFCCC Negotiations Toward Multilateral Environmental Agreement
3781 2010 C - Self-Regulation by the Mexican Stock Exchange: A Promising Path Toward Developing Mexico's Securities Market?
3781 2010 D - Auditing Emissions Offsets: Examining the Extended Arm of the Clean Development Mechanism
3781 2010 N - Till the Wells Run Dry?: Controlling Groundwater Depletion in California, USA and Victoria, Australia
3781 2010 S - Captured by a Large Banking Sector in a Small Iceland: Distorted Balance of Power, Legal Ambiguity and Ignorance of Law
3781 2010 S - The Role of Internet Intermediaries in the E-book Industry: An Empirical Analysis
3781 2010 V - First contract Arbitration: Evidence from British Columbia, Canada of the Significance of Mediator's Non-Binding Recommendations
3781 2010 W - NAFTA Chapter 11 Investor-state Arbitration: From Text to Reality - An Empirical Assessment
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