Title: Stanford Journal of Complex Litigation
Inclusive Dates: 2012 - 2016
Access Restrictions: None.
Copyright Restriction: Property rights reside with Robert Crown Law Library Special Collection. Copyrights are retained by the creator of the records or their heirs.
Series Description:
This series consists of publication of Stanford Journal of Complex Litigation. The journal was founded 2012 . It was an academic journal run by students that focus the complex litigation around civil procedure, aggregate litigation, mass torts, jurisdictional disputes, complex litigation reform, and transnational litigation. Arranged by publication issue number.
Extents: 1.04 liner feet (Bound)
Location: GS-SU-05-01-06
Stanford Journal Journal of Complex Litigation Volume 1, Issue 2
Stanford Journal of Complex Litigation Volume 1, Number 2 [Duplicate]
Stanford Journal of Complex Litigation Volume 2, Number 1
Journal of Complex Litigation Volume 2, Number 1 [Duplicate]
Stanford Journal of Complex Litigation Volume 2, Number 2
Stanford Journal of Complex Litigation Volume 2, Number 2 [Duplicate]
Stanford Journal of Complex Litigation Volume 3, Number 1
Stanford Journal of Complex Litigation Volume 4, Number 1
Stanford Journal of Complex Litigation Volume 4, Number 2
©Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305.