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Stanford Law School Student Organizations and Journal Collection

Stanford Journal of International Studies

Fond Description:

It was original stem from International Society Stanford Law School Proceedings publication by the International Society. It separated and became its own student organization dedicated to the production of an academic journal. The journal was initially titled the Stanford Journal of International Studies. It was set up to promote joint ventures between Stanford Law School students and other graduate students studying international relations. The journal topics cover public and private international law, comparative law, law and development, and human rights law. Currently, submitting articles comes from international law Students, current practitioners, and professors.

There is a year round submission process via ExpressO or email at For authors who want to be included the fall edition, authors must submit their article by august 20 where to be included for Spring edition articles must be submitted by January 15th. Authors must submit an article between 10,000 to 40,000 words with an abstract of 250 words. The Submission Chairs and Executive Editors select a number of articles from the submission period to publish. Once an article is selected it is then reviewed by the Editorial team. In 1980, the journal underwent another change and become known under its current title of Stanford Journal of International Law.

Fond Identifier Number: LAW-51013

List of Series:

  • The Stanford Journal of International Studies, 1968-1981
  • Stanford Journal of International Law, 1980-2022