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Stanford Law School Student Organizations and Journal Collection

Series Description:

Title: Shaking the Foundations Conference
Inclusive Dates: 1999-Present

Access Restrictions: None
Copyright Restriction: Property rights reside with Robert Crown Law Library Special Collection. Copyrights are retained by the creator of the records or their heirs.

Series Description:

This series consists of the Shaking the Foundations Conference Committee’s records.  The purpose of the Shaking the Foundation is bring law students, practitioners and academics from around the country together to share idea for how to use the law for progressive social change. This is done by panels, workshops and speakers to create a forum for attendees.   Materials include but not limited to conference’s programs, schedule of events, and posters, flyers, and letters. Arranged by chronological order.

Extent:  0.42 linear feet (Textual)
Location: GS-CU-12-03


Folder List:

Box 1

Shanking the Foundation Stationary 1999
Shanking the Foundation Conference 1999

Shaking the Foundation 1999-2004
Shaking the Foundation 2005-2009
Shaking the Foundation 2010-Present