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Stanford Law School Student Organizations and Journal Collection

Stanford Public Interest Law Foundation

Fond Description:

The Stanford Public Interest Law Foundation(SPILF) was founded in spring of 1978 as a non-profit organization to help support public interest program by providing training, resources, funding, and legal representation for disenfranchised community . Stanford Public Interest Law Foundation have their members to donate 2 % or their annual income or $500 to be use for a future project.

The Stanford Public Interest Law Foundation sponsor an annual auction where Stanford law School’s departments, faculty, and alumni will donate items or experiences for attendees to bid on.  The processed goes to fund grants.  Program looking to receive funds from SPILF must apply.  The board of SPILF reviews application and vote which project to fund.

Fond Identifier Number: LAW-51033

List of Series:

  • Public Interest Law Students Association Programs and Events, 1978-2020
  • Newsletter of Stanford Public Interest Law Foundation, 1978-1992
  • Video Record of Annual Stanford Public Interest Law Foundation