Title: Stanford Law Veterans Organization Programs and Events
Inclusive Dates: 2010 to Present
Access Restrictions: None
Copyright Restriction: Copyright Held by Stanford Law School
Series Description:
This series consist of Stanford Law Veterans Organization sponsored events and ephemera material related to club activities. Records consist of flyers and programs. This was collected by staff members of Robert Crown Law Library. This series is arranged by date.
0.02 linear feet (Textual)
695.3 Megabytes (Digital)
Location: GS-CU-12-03
Identifier Number: LAW-5103001
Stanford Law Veterans Organization, 2010
Memorial Dedication, 2016
Stanford Law Veterans Organization-World War II Memorial Rededication
Stanford Law Veterans Organization,2010-2020 [Digital]
Stanford Law Veterans Organization, 2020- Present [Digital]
©Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305.